When I started my first Pilates session, it was not something that I could comprehend immediately. I try to see many ways of exercise, as I was ever introduced in what was the fundamental principle of this workout. Being an Indian, I have seen YOGA for many years, as one ELEMANTARY work out. The others are running, walking, swimming, sports which was a very common phenomena worldwide. Then, we saw Aerobics come to India and I joined it. I can say, it was indeed very energizing. I could feel I could dance, my body stretch, raise my legs, spread my arms and it felt like a full exercise.

The Feeling of Independence and Liberating
Going forward I also found, this is very interesting and not only did I see it as a full blown energy work out, but it was somewhere between a dance and an exercise. I did not have to depend on equipment and machines, the feeling of independence and liberating was phenomenal. What I found interesting is, that my body will start showing signs of stagnancy after every workout. It will start fitting in my system as everyone experiences. In the start, I instantly found a great improvement; a drastic change, a very classic reduction of weight and fat and inches.

And then gradually again, I will see my system getting to me. I realized I was only trying to fit into the exercise and do what the exercises were meant to be done. This journey did not end here, I also went forward and learnt gym exercises which was never one of my favorites and as I did move into the gym comfortably with the help of some very supporting instructors. Not only did they help me work out on these machines, but they also helped me patiently increase my endurance in the gym. While I would work out on my own, I heard from many people gym is very boring. Yes, it could be indeed, but then I started adding playlist, headsets and there was a line of equipment that kept coming along with my gym actions. I also added a gym in my own house which is where I had the liberty and admiration to my fitness schedule. I took the best use of the space and got some interesting machines. I could be regular. I was very fond of my evening one hour workout routine with my music, with my own space, with my privacy. Since, I was learning enough I need not rush to any fitness instructor anymore.
One Mechanism
I’m now observing strange sort of changes in body immunity. Somewhere, I just became so prone to do the exercise in one way. I felt I was doing it at the best ability if my body, because you have something mastered but in the process of regular regime. So, you need to see that your body is now gauging, what do you do every day, so your system starts saying we have lost enough weight. I’ve toned your inches made you desirable, fit in all your dream clothes, feel comfortable with your physical self. Oops, they now say – I’ll just take it a little easy that’s when you realize that your body has got very comfortable with this one mechanism. What you are thinking and when you start feeling that I am at my best. No, the results are not the same way. I went through this as I had a weak point, I was not very enthusiastic about floor and exercises, it was earlier that I did do it. Now I need to change my workout. I believe innovations and work out worldwide starting from the original of yoga then we went into running athletics, sports. We are now going to try new things which are very attractive aerobic, Zumba. Gradually, I learnt about the PILATE. I was absolute curious! On what is this new exercise format?
They were new techniques. I see I was learning stability, concentration, balancing, body posture correction, breathing techniques. They were new methods. I was trying to see in my body adaptation not so to say that they won’t have a weirdness, something to raise eyebrows. Because, I was exercising for over 20 years but there was something different.
What i really like about this new change of exercising was that I could do something called standing abs. I was always slightly nervous when I have to come down on the floor to do my abs, my back was not very good. Then, here I learnt about standing exercises, yes that was my super exciting level. I felt I had reached the internal force of exercising, which I was always hunting. This is what exercising is about, you have to learn your body while you are learning the exercise. If I say I Ever thought of PILATES as my expertise. In the standing abilities, I gradually started seeing myself in the mirror, at the capability of my body. I could see that I could be fitter, with the new breathing technique, absolutely perfect. I was happy and gave me a sense of boost, regaining to the lost excitement and increased stimulation from the stagnancy of my body. I got back, I got a drive in my videos for standing abs /core workouts. That you will see there is nothing shaky, it made my concentration better Eat healthy Balance my body and because they repeat small steps, I can keep increasing my level at my own pace. As my journey is pragmatic and simple to follow in travel, gym floors, living rooms, gardens, terraces, I can ask you to follow my videos and what more. I see if you have more to clarify, if you want to ask more questions from an ONLINE VIRTUAL LIVE FITNESS LIFE STYLIST. It is me who could do live classes, answer your questions, give you the modernistic engagement, through the digital class. You can do your workout along with me. I have learnt that exercise can be done anytime, anywhere, with anyone. One thing, I will always say is, learn about your body before learning about the exercise. I will also correct the statement- do not learn only about what the body can’t do, you learn about what the body is now looking to do. Everybody, who are looking to change but they always have a start statement-“I cannot do this and that”, it is a bigger echo, than I have come to this workout session but I’m not ready for it. So don’t overpower the inner strength and distinguished fact that your body is ready first from your MIND. If you have issues in starting your workout, correcting your workout, seeing easily how you can do it in short a time more impact. Let’s do it together and BE FITMONKZ.
Virtual Online Interactive Workout
Just give 30 minutes 4 times a week and live a fitness lifestyle. Workout with me and virtual online interactive online personal class is available. This venture was pioneer by me so, I can share the workouts for you to keep up, even when you are on the move, need flexible timings and want to be corrected and upgraded for your fitness lifestyle.

1. Fit in your flexible timing
2. Workout live online
3. Teach you multiple exercise
4. Do and interact with you
5. Guide and mentor you
6. Change your lifestyle in simple steps