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DSW Course on

Nutrition & Weight Management





BFY is pleased to bring to India Courses from DSW-USA

DESERT SOUTHWEST FITNESS (DSW) Founded in 1980, Desert Southwest Fitness, Inc is dedicated to the

publication and distribution of the highest quality professional development materials for the health, fitness,

wellness and clinical professional. We specialize in self-directed distance learning and offer the largest selection

of home study courses. Our courses are taught by outstanding industry leaders and use a variety of multimedia

formats. The company has been an innovator and leader in the field of continuing education for over 25 years.

At DSWFitness, we believe that learning is a lifelong process, and the design of our courses make learning, not

just studying, the goal for the participant. Our courses allow you to upgrade specific skills that are necessary for job enhancement and give you the tools to produce positive lifestyle change in your clients by linking course offerings to applicable job-related skills, not necessarily degrees or certificates. The strength of DSWFitness is founded on quality education, student feedback, and personalized customer service.

Courses Available for


1. Yoga-Pilates Blend

Sculpt, strengthen and stretch the lower body with this exciting mixture of standing

and mat Pilates and yoga exercise sequences. The focus is on spinal alignment,

anatomical placement, kinetic chain positioning and instructional cueing using four

base movements. This amazing blend will impress your clients with something new

and give you fresh training ideas for your mind-body teaching toolbox. Identify

Pilates principles. CE course from IDEA Health & Fitness Association and DSWFitness.

Course Objectives:

 Design and implement a variety of exercises in a standing pose for Pilates.

 Design and implement a variety of exercises in a standing pose for Yoga.

 Design and implement a variety of exercises for Pilates matwork.

 Design and implement a variety of exercises for Yoga matwork.

 Cue instructional techniques for the exercises selected.

 Integrate Pilates and Yoga into one complete class.


Course Includes: 

 Exam, Study guide  DVD

2. New Ideas for Today's Yoga Classes

In this contemporary course, Linda Christy expands on the benefits of yoga, the use of

yoga to promote flexibility and strength, pose/counter-pose, yoga for seniors and

during pregnancy, yoga using props, office yoga, faith-infused yoga, yoga that teaches

life lessons and the use of meditation and affirmations. Complete theory and

technique for each area is presented.


Learning Objectives


 Site three examples of yoga’s mind-body fitness benefits.

 Identify the primary benefits for 24 yoga postures.

 Explain the theory of the pose/counter-pose technique.

 Identify benefits and contraindications of the pose/counter-pose technique.

 Identify and explain three ‘life lessons’ that we learn from practicing yoga.

 Identify the standard contraindications of yoga for pregnancy.

TECHNIQUE - competently teach the following types of yoga classes:

 Yoga for Seniors (25 postures plus the Mudra exercise and guided relaxation)

 Yoga using props (25 postures)

 Office Yoga (28 exercises)

 Meditation (9 techniques)

 Affirmation (5)

 Yoga for pregnancy (over 15 postures and how to modify them for safety)

Course Includes: 

 Exam  261-pg manual with over 300 photos and 8 worksheets

Level: Intermediate

3. Winning Sports Nutrition   


Give your athletes the nutritional tools to enhance training and reach peak performance.

Learn how to calculate the calories your athlete needs before, during and after exercise; as

well as the best nutritional sources of energy and the role of fiber, phytochemicals,

caffeine, sports beverages and nutritional ergogenic aids in your athlete’s training and

performance. Teach your athletes how to use the Sports Food Swap eating plan, how to eat

healthfully on the road and what nutrients can help them recover from injury and prevent

illness. Included are over 80 reproducible handouts and worksheets to use with your


Course Objectives:

 Identify the nutrients that supply fuel for training and calories per gram of CHO, protein and fat.

 Explain healthy and competitive body weight composition for top sports performance.

 Outline the nutrients that affect muscle size and discuss the role of protein.

 Outline appropriate fluid replacement strategies.

 Determine factors used to set healthy body weight and body composition goals.

 Understand the claims on ergogenic aids and evaluate the safety and effectiveness of

ergogenic aids before using.

 Plan and schedule healthy meals and snacks for athletes with high energy needs.

 Explain the role nutrition plays in supporting a healthy immune system.

 Discuss the timing of nutrient intake for top athletic performance.

Course Includes: 

 Exam

 Study guide

 206-page textbook

 CD of 80 reproducible handouts

Level: Intermediate

4. Vegetarian Sports Nutrition-Serious nutrition information for serious vegetarian athletes

Vegetarian meal plans have been used successfully in all sports from bodybuilding to

endurance activities. Gain the knowledge and tools necessary to assist active vegetarians and

semivegetarians of all ages and abilities to achieve optimal nutrition for peak performance

and health. Help your clients determine energy, protein, vitamin and mineral needs while

monitoring carbohydrate and fat intake through smart food choices.

Course Objectives:

 Optimize the training, performance, and health of your vegetarian athletes through better food choices.

 Determine daily calorie, carbohydrate, protein, and fat needs for vegetarians and athletes.

 Determine nutrient needs surrounding exercise.

 Identify nutrients that may be low in vegetarian and vegan diets.

 Assess the need for dietary supplements.

 Understand the nutrients that can impact bone health, anemia, muscle cramps, and inflammation.

 Provide practical tips for balanced meal planning on a vegetarian diet.

Course Includes:


 Study guide,

 262-page textbook Vegetarian Sports Nutrition by D. Enette Larson-

Meyer, PhD, RD, FACSM

Level: Intermediate

5. Reshaping Your Body, Rethinking Your Mind, 7th ed.

An innovative guide to enhancing body image and improving self-esteem.

By Lauve Metcalfe, MS, CWC, FAWHP

A comprehensive and thoughtful course that explores the issues and complexities of personal body image and

self-esteem for women. Ms. Metcalfe guides you through more than 30 action-oriented activities that will help

your clients make positive physical and mental health changes. This course addresses our society’s

dysfunctional health behavior and takes a look at the cultural norms that create the mixed messages about

what you should look like and how you should feel about yourself.

Course Objectives:

 Identify factors that affect personal body image and self-esteem

 Assess current attitudes toward your body

 Explain the relationship between body image and self-esteem

 List strategies for self-acceptance in regard to body size, shape, and image

 Practice positive self-talk

 Recognize myths and misconceptions regarding diet, exercise, and body image

 Assess contributing factors for physical activity, exercise preferences, and exercise motivation

 Identify strategies for building self-reliance, creating humor in your life, using positive affirmation, rewarding

yourself in healthy ways, and accepting praise

 Develop coping skills to deal with setbacks


 Explain basic nutritional concepts including the food pyramid, fat grams, and dietary guidelines for


 Identify small change behavior strategies for healthy eating

 List tips for making healthy food choices including food preparation, food shopping, and dining out

 Identify ways to incorporate physical activity into daily activities


Course Includes: 

 Exam

 203-page workbook


 Exam is not available online. Student will submit exam

(shipped with study materials) to DSWFitness for grading.

Topic: Nutrition & Wt. Management

Level: Intermediate

6. Basic Training for Running, 2nd ed.   Essential tools for developing successful running programs

for beginning to elite runners.

Whether you train competitive runs or “fun runs,” the proven techniques outlined in this course will

propel your clients to a successful running experience. Learn how to design programs for the novice,

intermediate, competitive and elite runners that consistently and significantly improve performance.

Written by two experienced runners and coaches, in an easy-to- relate style, you’ll discover how to set

up a running-specific training program and improve your client’s running efficiency, even if you’ve

never designed a running program before.

Course Objectives:

 Identify physiological and psychological benefits of running

 Address safety issues for runners

 Identify four levels of runners

 Describe six paces of running

 Explain three types of distance running workouts

 Explain four principles of successful training

 List the five phase of training and design a sample workout for each phase

Course Includes: 

 Exam

 68-page workbook with client handouts


Level: Intermediate

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