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Vegetarian Sports Nutrition

Product Description

Course components are delivered as printed products:

  • Vegetarian Sports Nutrition text

  • Study guide

  • Continuing education exam

Vegetarian meal plans have been used successfully in all sports. Through the Vegetarian Sports Nutrition Print CE Course, you will gain the knowledge and tools to assist active vegetarians and semivegetarians of all ages and abilities in achieving optimal nutrition for peak performance and health. Help your clients determine energy, protein, vitamin, and mineral needs while monitoring carbohydrate and fat intake through smart food choices.
Course Objectives:

  • Optimize the training, performance, and health of your vegetarian athletes through better food choices.

  • Determine daily calorie, carbohydrate, protein, and fat needs for vegetarians and athletes.

  • Determine nutrient needs surrounding exercise.

  • Identify nutrients that may be lacking in vegetarian and vegan diets.

  • Assess the need for dietary supplements.

  • Understand the nutrients that can affect bone health, anemia, muscle cramps, and inflammation.

  • Provide practical tips for balanced meal planning on a vegetarian diet.


Chapter 1. Gaining the Vegetarian Advantage                       
Chapter 2. Getting Adequate Calories from Plant Sources   
Chapter 3. Finding the Right Carbohydrate Mix                  
Chapter 4. Choosing Smart Fat Over No Fat                        
Chapter 5. Building Muscle Without Meat                          
Chapter 6. Optimizing Bone Health                         
Chapter 7. Boosting Iron Intake and Absorption                 
Chapter 8. Breaking Free of Multivitamin Dependence       
Chapter 9. Prioritizing Eating Before, During, and After Events   

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