Weight Management Course
Weight Imbalance : Obesity
Weight Imbalance : Obesity
Measurement of Obesity
Calculating Body Mass Index (BMI)
Biologic and Medical Causes
The Biologic Pathway to Appetite
Specific Genetic Factors
Medical or Physical Causes of Obesity
Effects of Certain Medications
Cultural and Emotional Causes
Television and Sedentary Habits
Fast Foods and Restaurant Eating
Tissue adaptation to weight loss.
Risk Factors
- Risk by Age
- Risk by Gender
- Risk by Economic Group
- Ethnic Groups
Dietary Habits That Increase Risk
- Night-Eating Syndrome
- Binge Eating and Eating Disorders
- Restrained Eating
- Infrequent Eating
Specific Groups at Risk
- Anyone with Sedentary Lifestyles
- Ex-Smokers
- Shift-Workers
- People with Disabilities
Obesity in Children: Special Considerations
Definition of Obesity in Children
Causes and Risk Factors for Obesity in Children
- Lifestyle Factors
- Family History
- Ethnic and Socioeconomic Factors
- Factors Surrounding Birth
Biologic Effect of Childhood Obesity on Adult Weight
Health Consequences of Childhood Obesity
Managing Overweight and Obese Children
- General Adverse Effects of Obesity
- General Adverse Effects of Being Overweight (Not Obese)
- Heart Disease and Stroke
- Insulin Resistance, Type 2 Diabetes, and Metabolic Syndrome
- Cancer
- Reproductive and Hormonal Problems
- Effects on the Lungs
- Effect on the Liver
- Sleep Disorders
- Emotional and Social Problems
Weight Loss and Maintenance
- Key Components of a Lifestyle Change Program
- Weight Management
- Calorie Restriction
- Fat and Sugar Substitutes
- Fat Substitutes
- Artificial Sweeteners.
Liquid Meal Replacements
Support Groups and Behavioral Approaches
- Commercial and Non-Profit Support Programs for Weight Loss
- Cognitive Behavioral Approaches and Psychosocial Aspects
- Stress-Reduction Techniques
Changing Sedentary Habits and Exercise
- Over-the-Counter Weight Loss Products and Herbal Remedies
- Warnings on Some Ingredients in Over-the-Counter Diet Products
Orlistat (Xenical)
Sibutramine (Meridia)
Commercially available Nutricional Supplemnts
Bariatric Surgery and Restrictive Banding Procedures
- Side Effects and Complications
- Medical nutrition therapy
Course Objective
The primary purpose of the course is to introduce the student to latest research in the filed of weight management and applied areas within the field.
Develop a broad understanding of the field with respect to weight management
Understand the basic nutrition and its impact on weight management.
Understand the concept of obesity and its related complications.
Understand the nutritional requirements of children and adults.
Understand the effect of eating disorders on physical and psychological health.
To gain knowledge about various commercial nutritional supplements and medicines for weight management.
To plan diets in relation to weight management.
M.B.B.S, B.D.S, B.H.M.S, B.A.M.S, B.U.M.S, Dieticians, Physiotherapists, Fitness trainers and Health professionals.
Attendance Policy
95 % Attendance is compulsory. (114 days out of 120 days). Any student who fails to abide by this rule will be held up for giving final exams.
Minimum percentage required to clear internal exams is 40%.
The Personal Project must be turned in by the due date for credit. No late Projects/ assignments will be accepted.
It is expected that you attend all the class meetings, read lecture notes, and keep up with the reading assignments as well as written assignments.
Refer to this syllabus throughout the semester.
Grading System
75% and above - A
60-74.9% - B
50-59.9% - C
Less than 50% - F (FAIL)
Course Requirement
Internal exams (3)
Individual assignments (2)
Group project (1)
Class assignments
Marking System
Internal exams - 15% of total marks
Individual assignments - 10% of total marks
Group project - 5% of total marks
Class assignments - 5 % of total marks
Practical - 15% of total marks
Final exam - 50% of total marks
Course Material
Course Material will be provided.
Sr. Consulting Dietician (R.D.)
Professional Lecturers in the field of Clinical Nutrition
Passing Marks