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There are lot of aches and pains in joints like knee, hip , shoulder etc these days, which limits your clients exercise regime in routine life. Thus, its personal trainers duty to  avoid them or diagnose and treat them by enhancing smooth functioning of your exercise program for your client.

Keeping this in mind, this workshop is designed for personal trainers and exercise instructors.  It will cover various topics in dealing with injury and surgery that the personal trainer would need to consider when training different clients and designing exercise programs for various joint problems due to arthritis.

Topics will cover anatomy overview, common injuries and surgeries, case studies, and exercise sessions related to arthritis problems.

Learn how to better offer your clients a program designed just for them with the knowledge to make it both safe and beneficial when they have painful joint problems. “

#fitness courses

#fitness instructor courses

#gym instructor courses

#how to become a fitness trainer

#train the trainer

#working as a fitness instructor

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